A company whose market is campus wide audio and multimedia systems required a secure image distribution system. They selected the Cypherbridge uLoad secure bootloader, and Secure Distribution Server SDS. The secure bootloader is integrated in the embedded controllers to install, authenticate and activate images. Using the uLoad rollback feature, multiple images can be managed in the device including a default factory image.
The customer firmware and maintenance releases are tested and ready for field deployment. The uLoad toolchain provides off-line image encryption, and real-time download and authentication for image management and firmware updates. The Cypherbridge Secure Distribution Server is supported on Windows and Mac OS X, and includes a shared library implementing device management and image transfer APIs. The shared library is integrated with the customer scalable device management application to control distribution and versioning for medium scale campus wide system deployment. Firmware images can be transferred from server, desktop or laptop class machines.
Cypherbridge Systems innovated and delivered the secure bootloader and Distribution Servers over multiple product generations. The uLoad SDK integrates device management and security features in a complete solution. It is deployed into systems that range from simple Cortex M3 flash MCU SOC, to complex multi-stage bootloader ARM11 platforms using NAND flash file systems. Image management is flexible and can be used for application images, FPGA bitstreams, and special use requirements. Image transfer is supported over network or serial port, including serial ports enumerated by target device USB OTG.